Planting Happiness 植的幸福:綠色婚禮小物
How to Plant Whole-leaf Hawthorn 厚葉石斑木栽種方法
1. soak the seeds in water for 5~7 days. change water everyday 將種子浸泡於水中 7 天,每天需換水
2. put the seeds inside a zip it bag. take out the seeds when the sprouts appear. 將種子放入密封袋中,悶出芽後,即可取出。
3. prepare a pot and soil. spray some water onto the soil 準備寬底花盆和培養土,在土壤表面灑一些水
3. spread the seeds on the soil (do not overlap). 將種子鋪在土壤上(不可重疊)
4. place tiny rocks on top of the seeds and spray water three times. 在種子上鋪小麥飯石,灑三圈水
5. place in direct or indirect sunlight, water every 1~2 days 置於陽光或間接陽光處,每 1~2 天澆水
- 精選臺灣原生植物 -