Planting Happiness 植的幸福:綠色婚禮小物
How to Plant Edamame 毛豆栽種方法
毛豆適合的土壤類型:有機質多的砂質土(ph 值 6.5~7)
1. Prepare a pot and some soil. 準備花盆和土壤
2. Place edamame seeds on the top of soil, then cover the seeds with soil of 2 cm thickness
將毛豆種子放在土上,再覆蓋 2 cm 的土在毛豆種子上
3. the edamame seeds will sprout within 5 days.
4. about 45 days after planting, the edamame will flower(little white bloom).
播種後約 45 天,毛豆株會開花(小白花)
5. about 70 days after planting, the edamame pods will be ripe for harvest.
播種後約 70 天,毛豆豆莢呈現飽滿狀態,可採收
可愛客戶的 毛豆~ 實際種植成果:
Edamame Recipe 毛豆炒飯食譜
1. dice carrot. 將胡蘿蔔切小丁
2. drizzle some oil onto the pan, and the heat the pan.
3. put in the carrot dices and edamame and stir fry until carrots have some golden sheen.
4. put in cooked rice. mix evenly. 放入煮熟的白飯,將所有材料均勻混合
5. put in corn. 放入玉米粒
6. mix 1/3 bowl of soy sauce with 1/3 bowl of water. pour in the mixture in a circle around the rim of the pan.
將 1/3 碗的醬油加入 1/3 碗的水,沿鍋邊圓圈狀倒入醬油水
7. stir fry and mix evenly until the rice grains all have the brownish color of the soy sauce.
8. test flavor. add salt or pepper to your liking. the stir-fry edamame rice is ready to serve!