Planting Happiness 植的幸福:綠色婚禮小物
How to plant Lanyu Tabernaemontana 蘭嶼山馬茶 栽種方法
*Soil: well-drained loam rich in organic matter 適合的土壤類型:排水良好、富含有機質壤土
*Environment: full or partial sunlight, high humidity 適合環境:全日照 或 半日照, 高濕度
1. wash the seeds. 清洗種子
2. soak the seeds in water. change water everyday for seven days. 浸泡種子, 每天換水,持續七天
3. plant the seeds in the potting soil. 把種子種到培養土裡
4. spread maifan stones on the potting soil. 在培養土鋪上麥飯石
5. water the seeds with a can or a sprinkler. 澆水或噴水
6. the Lanyu Tabernaemontana seeds will likely sprout within a week. 種子約會在一週後發芽
- 精選臺灣原生植物 -