Planting Happiness 植的幸福:綠色婚禮小物
How to Plant Kodama Watermelon 小玉西瓜栽種方法
1. put the seeds on the wet napkin, it will sprout in 4~6 days. 將小玉西瓜種子放在濕紙巾上,約 4~6 天後會發芽
2. watermelon has deep roots, therefore it is better to prepare bigger pots for its roots can grow fully.
prepare soil that is fluffy and sandy.
由於西瓜為深根植物,準備約 100 cm x 100 cm 的大花盆,放入疏鬆透氣的土壤,讓西瓜根可充分生長
3. do not water too much. 勿過度澆水,避免爛根
4. when the sprout grows higher, place sticks to support. 當西瓜苗長高,放置竹竿或棍棒支撐西瓜藤蔓
5. when the watermelon flower is in bloom, use a brush to pollinate. brush the male flower (the one without the small watermelon) and then brush the female flower (the one with the watermelon.) 當西瓜花開時,用筆刷人工授粉。先用筆刷刷過雄花(花下沒有附小瓜),再刷到雌花上(花下有小瓜的那一朵)
Kodama Watermelon Recipe 小玉西瓜食譜
1. cut the kodama watermelon with a kitchen knife. it is ready to serve now! 用菜刀將小玉西瓜切片,就可享用囉!