Planting Happiness 植的幸福:綠色婚禮小物
How to Plant Melon 美濃瓜栽種方法
美濃瓜適合的土壤類型:ph 值 6~6.6 的土壤
1. place melon seeds on a wet napkin for it to sprout 將美濃瓜種子放在濕紙巾上,等待發芽
2. find a place that is hot, dry, with direct sunlight. 美濃瓜喜歡高溫、乾燥、多日照的環境
3. prepare sandy soil in a big pot, plant the sprout within. 準備裝滿砂質土的大花盆,將發芽的美濃瓜種子移入
4. the melon can be harvested 35~45 days after the bloom appears. 開花後,約 35~45 天可採收
Melon Recipe 美濃瓜食譜
1. cut the melon with a kitchen knife. it is ready to serve now! 用菜刀將美濃瓜切片,就可享用囉!